
Cozy reviews via Google
Dario Raneri
Sept. 10, 2022
Menno Boerboom
Sept. 9, 2022
Bruno F. Santos
Sept. 6, 2022

Nice place to go with kids and friends. Located in the woods of Delft, next to a small lake and with a large playground outside.

noble barbershop
Sept. 3, 2022

Beautiful view of the lake

Melvin Van Der Tol
September 1, 2022

Delicious food, nice views and a big playground with sand for the kids ❤️

Very nice place with a playground that's integrated to the terrace. There's a small but ok menu. The water bikes are a plus.

Celebrated our birthdays and 10 years together in a super relaxing environment. The BBQ buffet was excellent!

Aug. 27, 2022
O. S.
Aug. 25, 2022

10 minutes from downtown. Paradise for playing children, dogs and parents. How cozy you sit here by the water. Blessed! The most delicious bitterballen.

Ron Intres
Aug. 23, 2022

Nice location,smooth service by a friendly lady 🍺

Henk van Rijn
Aug. 21, 2022
Aug. 21, 2022
Anneke Anneke
Aug. 19, 2022

Nice location, boats to play sail and small playground. Nice bbq and the kids had a great time too.

Jonah Kamsteeg
Aug. 18, 2022
Eduardo Cesar
Aug. 18, 2022
Henk Jansen
Aug. 18, 2022

Nice place to have something to eat or drink. Friendly staff and something for everyone on the menu.

Martien Schouw
Aug. 15, 2022

Delicious food service top

Julian Mayr
Aug. 15, 2022
Astrid Peerdeman
Aug. 15, 2022
Levente Kovács
Aug. 13, 2022

Fine drinking spot within walking distance of the Bieslandhof ... lots of entertainment and noise around the sandbox/playground, always something to see ... And very tasty bitterballen ....

Rene Bax
Aug. 10, 2022
Bas de Wit
Aug. 10, 2022

Friendly service and a nice view. Only downside was that with two Radlers 0.0 I received two Radler 0.0 no sugar without this being mentioned. Personally, I find this bad to drink and the moment I passed it on, all I got was the comment "I guess it was wrongly sourced. ". No sugar should be listed as soda no sugar.

John Marks
Aug. 9, 2022
Debbie winter
Aug. 7, 2022

They do indeed live up to their name. Very nice location, with friendly service. Even a dog menu.

Aug. 6, 2022

Cozy place with playground for children. Beautiful surroundings. Friendly service. Prices a bit on the high side though (but hey it's 2022, inflation everywhere) for what you get

Frank Schols
Aug. 6, 2022

Nice playground for the kids and you can rent a pedal boat. Note the last round is already at 17.00

Ron Vd bosch
Aug. 5, 2022
Carmen Meuffels
Aug. 2, 2022

Leuke plek om met jonge kinderen (<8 jaar) naartoe te gaan. Mooie, groene omgeving, makkelijk bereikbaar, gratis parkeren. Een mini-doolhof, speeltoestel met glijbanen en zandbak. Ook de mogelijkheid om een waterfiets te huren. Schone toiletten. Wat beter kan: meer biologische en vega(n) opties op de kaart & snellere service.

Cozy restaurant. Good service and nice ambiance. Here we like to come back

Edith Danker
July 31, 2022
Marthijn Kip
July 29, 2022
Nicky van Buuren
July 28, 2022
Rodrigo Schulz
July 27, 2022

Great to go with the kids. They enjoy the playground and you enjoy your coffee and a break from parenting.

wim smit
July 27, 2022

Great service!

Loes Zwaard
July 26, 2022

A nice terrace where children can play nice. Thanks for sponsoring the drink from the Rickshaw

Marina Geenen
July 23, 2022

My daughter and son-in-law had a wonderful wedding at your place. Thank you for that!

This pkace is dream, so beautiful fir wedding day, romantic place...i fall in love there

Jeroen Van Dijk
July 20, 2022
C Castano
July 20, 2022

Nice place to take a break.

Giovanni Bröker
July 18, 2022

Sociably busy and and lekkeenTexelse Schuim kopke served. Deliciously cold on the hot day.

July 17, 2022

Celebrated my 65th birthday today with the Cozy Grill. What a conviviality with super service. The bbq with all the accessories was TOP!!! Thank you for a super party. Really highly recommended.

Milan Green
July 16, 2022
Cozy photos via Facebook

Wij zijn op zoek naar jou! Knus zoekt leuke meiden, gezellige gasten, spontane dames en charmante heren die het leuk vinden om in de bediening te werken. Lijkt het jou leuk om ons Knusse team te versterken? Stuur dan je CV en motivatie naar #vacature #horeca #werkenindehoreca #delftsehout #delft #knus #bediening


Waterfietsen en Roeiboten 🚣 Leuk nieuws! Vanaf vandaag kan je de waterfietsen en roeiboten weer huren bij Knus. Je kan weer genieten van de Delftse Hout en van Knus vanaf het water! Je betaalt €15 voor 1 uur op het water.* Natuurlijk is langer wegblijven ook mogelijk tegen een kleine meerprijs. Knus heeft ook zwemvestjes te leen. Wie weet zien we je binnenkort vanaf het water naar ons zwaaien! *Houd er rekening mee dat we ook €15 borg vragen. #waterfietsen #delftsehout #roeiboten #knus #delft


FIJNE PAASDAGEN 🐣🐰 Knus is beide paasdagen geopend van 10:00 - 17:30 uur. Natuurlijk komt de Paashaas ook beide dagen langs! Kom jij ook om 11:30 of 15:00 uur Paaseitjes zoeken met de Paashaas? We zien jullie graag verschijnen. Tot straks! 💙 #pasen #paaseitjes #knus #delft #paashaas #delftsehout


Hieperdepiep HOERA 🎉🐶 Onze lieve trouwe viervoeter / collega Sam is vandaag jarig! En wie jarig is trakteert! Kom vandaag, 30-3, naar Knus en loop met je hond langs de bar. Gebruik codewoord ‘gefeliciteerd met Sam’ en krijg een gratis hondenbot cadeau! Sam houd ook van knuffelen, dus geef Sam vooral een dikke verjaardagsknuffel💙 Tot straks 🐶🦴


Kom jij ook all-in borrelen met de Paashaas op eerste en tweede paasdag? De Paashaas kwam vandaag langs om alvast te kijken waar hij zijn paaseitjes dit jaar gaat verstoppen bij Knus. Hij heeft direct de paasborrel maar eens even voorgeproefd. Er zijn nog enkele tafels beschikbaar voor de Knusse Paasborrel, dus wacht niet te lang met reserveren! Voor meer informatie, kijk op onze website: . Daar kan je tevens ook reserveren voor de Paasborrel. Tot dan!


Eerste en tweede Paasdag komen er weer aan! De Paashaas heeft laten weten graag weer langs te komen bij Knus om paaseitjes te zoeken met de kinderen. Op veler verzoek kan je ook dit jaar weer reserveren via voor een heerlijke Paaslunch of Paasborrel vanaf 4 volwassenen. Onze arrangementen zijn all-in, dus inclusief eten, drinken en paaseitjes zoeken. De kinderen kunnen om 11:30 uur of om 15:00 uur Paaseitjes zoeken met de Paashaas. Tot dan!


Wij zoeken een topper voor in de keuken. Een collega die veel wil werken, zowel overdag als in de avond, die verstand heeft van de keuken, ervaring heeft met leiding geven en weet wat hard werken is. Je kan aansturen, maar ook collega’s opleiden en inwerken. Het bewaken van het culinaire niveau, verzorgen van de lunch en voorbereiden van de buffetten en je zorgt voor de informatieoverdracht en werkinstructies. Wat je van ons kunt verwachten: • Werken in de horeca is leuk, maar wij vinden privé belangrijker. Daarom hoef je echt niet ieder weekend te werken en is er mogelijkheid om de helft van de weekenden vrij te zijn. • Goede werksfeer in een gezellig en gemotiveerd team. • Ruimte voor eigen inbreng. • Flexibele werkuren of vaste dagen mogelijk in overleg. • Salaris hoger dan het Horeca CAO, eventueel ook als freelancer/ondernemer. • Vakantiegeld, vakantiedagen, verzekeringen en pensioen. • Super goede fooi. Deze fooi wordt per dienst eerlijk verdeeld over iedereen die heeft gewerkt die dag. • Afwisselend werk door de combinatie van dag- en avonddiensten en doordat je niet altijd op dezelfde plek met dezelfde collega’s werkt. Kom jij ons Knusse team versterken? Bekijk hier de volledige vacature en stuur je CV en motivatie naar Heb je geen CV, stuur dan gewoon een leuk mailtje 😉 #vacature #keuken #delft #delftsehout #knus


Nog 1 week schaatsen ⛸️ De pinguïns en ijsberen kijken er naar uit om deze week nog een rondje met jullie te schaatsen op de schaatsbaan. De schaatsbaan van Knus staat er t/m 25 februari. Tot snel!


TV opnames bij Knus 🎥 Vandaag waren er TV opnames bij Knus voor het TV programma Kassa om biologische rookworsten te testen. Spot jij Knus tijdens de uitzending op zaterdag 27 januari op npo2 om 19:15 uur?


Aankomend weekend, 6 & 7 januari, staat de Ranjabus van 10:00 - 16:00 uur bij Knus! 🥳 Je kan deelnemen aan gratis kinderactiviteiten zoals sjoelen en mega 4 op een rij. Natuurlijk kan je ook draaien aan het "Ranja Rad". Kom jij een kijkje nemen bij de Ranjabus? Tot dan! • Knus en de schaatsbaan van Knus zijn dit weekend geopend van 10:00 - 17:30 uur. #ranja #knusdelft #delftsehout #delft #knus


Namens Knus wensen we jullie een hele fijne jaarwisseling ✨🥂 Vandaag, oudjaarsdag, zijn we geopend tot 14:00 uur. We zien jullie graag weer in het nieuwe jaar op ons terras of op de schaatsbaan! Proost! Knusjes, Geerten, Chris en Team Knus


Inmiddels hebben honderden kinderen lekker geschaatst op de half-overdekte schaatbaan van Knus. Door financiële zorgen of zelfs wegens vluchten, is schaatsen of leuke dingen doen, niet voor ieder kind vanzelfsprekend. Daarom hebben de Speelgoedbank Delft en Knus een leuke samenwerking opgezet. De Speelgoedbank bezorgde Knus zo’n 30 paar schaatsen en Knus doneerde vrijkaartjes voor het schaatsen. Zo worden de schaatsen dagelijks gebruikt en kunnen een hoop gezinnen een gezellige dag op de schaatsbaan beleven. De Speelgoedbank maakt speelgoed en leesboeken bereikbaar voor ieder kind en werkt samen met o.a. de Voedselbank, Humanitas, Home-start en Vluchtelingenwerk. Heb je goed speelgoed over? Breng het langs de Speelgoedbank of steun de Speelgoedbank met een donatie:


Kom jij in de kerstvakantie ook langs voor een lekker drankje en hapje? Neem bijvoorbeeld deze heerlijke chocolademelk, feestelijk zoals een kind dat wil. Of ga je liever voor de huisgemaakte glühwein? In de kerstvakantie is Knus iedere dag geopend van 10:00 -17:30 uur en is de schaatsbaan geopend van 11:00 - 17:00 uur. Behalve op Oudjaarsdag, dan is Knus geopend van 10:00-15:00 uur en de schaatsbaan van 11:00-14:30 uur. Tot snel!


✨Namens het Knusse team wensen wij jullie hele fijne feestdagen✨ Agenda kerstvakantie: - 16 dec t/m 7 jan: Kerstballenspeurtocht door de Delftse Hout. De antwoordformulieren zijn te halen aan de bar van Knus - Zaterdag 23 december: kerstmuziek bij de schaatsbaan verzorgd door onze muzikale collega Luc en zijn band om 11:00 uur, 13:00 uur & 15:00 uur - 1ste en 2de kerstdag is Knus gesloten - Oudjaarsdag is Knus geopend tot 16:00 uur - Nieuwjaarsdag is Knus geopend


Kom jij morgen, 3 december, pietenschaatsen bij Knus? Schaatspiet, Knussepiet en Bedienpiet hebben laten weten dat ze morgen langs komen. De pieten zijn van 10:30 - 12:00 uur te vinden op de schaatsbaan van Knus. ⛸️ Daarna blijven ze wellicht hangen om te helpen al het Knusse lekkers bij jou aan de tafel te brengen. Tot morgen! #schaatsbaan #schaatsen #delft #sinterklaas #pieten #knus #delftsehout


Eerder liet Kinderopvang De Lange Keizer al bij de speeltuin van Knus het Blotevoetenpad maken. Nu hebben Knus en De Lange Keizer een mooie samenwerking gevonden. Maar liefst 2000 kinderen van kinderopvang de Lange Keizer, komen deze winter schaatsen bij Knus. Wil jij ook schaatsen? Kijk op


Pietenschaatsen bij Knus! Sinterklaas en de Pieten zijn weer in het land. Vannacht hebben wij gezien dat schaatspiet stiekem de baan op is geklommen bij Knus om te oefenen op de schaatsbaan🫣 Schaatspiet en zijn pietenvrienden komen op woensdag 29 november van 15:00-16:00 uur en zondag 3 december van 10:30-12:00 uur langs om de kinderen uit te dagen tot een rondje schaatsen. Wellicht dat je na het schaatsen nog met de Pieten op de foto kan. Schaatsen kost € 5,- per persoon inclusief schaatshuur. Wellicht zijn er ook wel bedienpieten die naast heerlijke drankjes van de menukaart ook wel strooigoed langsbrengen op het terras. Tot dan! #schaatsen #pieten #schaatsbaan #knus #activiteiten #delft #delftsehout


Schaatsen in Delft ⛸️❄️ Kom je schaatsen bij Knus in Delft? Bij een minimale besteding van €25,- bij banketbakkerij Stoffer krijg je een tegoedbon voor 1 persoon om te komen schaatsen bij Knus. Let op: op=op! In het weekend kun je bij Knus genieten van een heerlijk stuk Speculaastaart of Delftse Turf van banketbakkerij Stoffer. Wellicht zien we je snel op de halfoverdekte schaatsbaan of op het verwarmde terras van Knus met een heerlijke lekkernij van Banketbakkerij Stoffer.


Knusse huisgemaakte glühwein! Je kan bij Knus genieten van onze heerlijke huisgemaakte glühwein op het verwarmde terras of binnen bij de oud-Delftsche kachel. Op zoek naar een leuk cadeau voor kerst of voor het kerstpakket? Op veler verzoek bieden wij onze Knusse huisgemaakte glühwein voor €10,- voor een halve liter aan. Te koop aan de bar bij Knus of stuur even een mailtje als je voor het hele team bestelt! #glühwein #winter #kerst #knus


Schaatsen bij Knus✨⛸️ Het is eindelijk zover! De Knusse schaatsbaan is officieel geopend. De schaatsbaan is van november t/m februari dagelijks geopend van 11:00 tot 17:30 uur. De toegang is €5,- per persoon inclusief schaatshuur. Er zijn schaatsen beschikbaar voor jong en oud! Maar natuurlijk mag je ook je eigen schaatsen meenemen (geen noren). Vergeet je ook je handschoenen niet aan te trekken? Zelfs op regenachtige dagen kun je nog steeds genieten op onze schaatsbaan dankzij het half overdekte ontwerp van de kunstschaatsbaan. Zien we jou binnenkort ook op de schaatsbaan? Of drink je liever een huisgemaakte glühwein of chocolademelk op ons overdekte en verwarmde terras naast de schaatsbaan? Voor meer informatie kan je kijken op: #schaatsen #delft #delftsehout #winterwonderland #schaatsbaan #knus


Doe jij al mee met onze winactie? 🎉 Win een luxe all-in bbq met 8 vrienden bij Knus door ons te laten weten wat jij gaaf zou vinden bij Winters Knus. Je hebt nog t/m 31 oktober om jou idee in te dienen via De winnaar wordt begin november bekend gemaakt. Wil je op de hoogte gehouden worden van Winters Knus en alle andere leuke nieuwtjes & weetjes van Knus? Schrijf je dan ook in voor onze nieuwsbrief via


Morgen is het zover: ons jaarlijkse teamuitje staat voor de deur! Donderdag 19 oktober zijn wij hierdoor gesloten. Vrijdag staan we vanaf 10:00 uur weer voor jullie klaar met een heerlijk kopje koffie en gebak!


Onze gloednieuwe vuurkorf staat vanaf november voor jou klaar. Vanaf dan is het knusser dan ooit! Samen met onze schaatsbaan zorgen wij voor een onvergetelijke dag in de wintermaanden. ❄️ Om dit te vieren hebben we een win actie voor jullie! Doe jij al mee? Via de volgende link kan je deelnemen en een verzorgde ALL-INN Knusse grill voor 8 personen winnen. 🩵 Kom jij langs met je vrienden, familie of collega's? Openingstijden schaatsbaan: november t/m februari iedere dag geopend van 11.00 - 17.30 uur. Link: Kijk op en klik op de button Winteractie om deel te nemen aan de winactie Wij gaan ondertussen druk verder met de voorbereidingen van ons winterse dorp! #schaatsen #knusdelft #delft #bos #winter


-Knusse Vacature- Knus heeft een groot passantenterras, maar is bovenal bekend om zijn bruiloften, feesten, bedrijfsuitjes en verjaardagen. Inmiddels verwelkomen we meer dan 500 groepen per jaar!  Als Event Manager ben je uiterst gastvrij, een kei in bijsturen, oplossingen bedenken en snel handelen zodat zowel het team als de gasten een topdag hebben. Je stuurt het team aan en werkt uiteraard zelf ook mee op de werkvloer. Knus is opzoek naar de persoon die ziet wat er moet gebeuren en aanpakt. Bekijk hier de volledige vacature: Word jij onze nieuwe knusse collega? Stuur dan nu je motivatiebrief en CV naar


Hoewel het laatst nog 30 graden was, zitten wij al met ons hoofd in winterse sferen. We gaan Knus omtoveren tot winterwonderland met schaatsbaan, gluhwein, winterfairs en nog zoveel meer. De schaatsbaan is van november t/m februari iedere dag geopend van 11.00 - 17.30 uur. Kom jij ook langs met je vrienden, familie, collega's of klasgenoten? #delft #schaatsen #winter #winterwonderland #borrel #november #knus #delftsehout


Next winter, Knus will be more cozy than ever! From November through February, we will transform Knus into Winter Knus with ice skating rink. But... what would you like to do or experience with us? We will reward the best idea with an all-inclusive ALL-IN Knusse Grill for 8 people. Look for the action conditions on our website, scan the QR code on the terrace or click on this link: See you at the skating rink! ⛸️


The pedal boat season is almost over.... Will you also come with your colleagues, family, friends or classmates to enjoy a wonderful water bike ride on the lake of Delftse Hout? This month, September, is the last month of the year you can enjoy Knus from the water. So sail across the lake before you have to wait again until April next year.


Even more fun at Knus! New playground equipment has recently been placed next to Knus. Now the kids can enjoy extra playtime fun. #knus #playground #play #delft #joy


Did you know that Knus also has cocktails on the menu? These delicious Espresso Martini, Pornstar Martini and Virgin Mojito are already ready to be drunk. 🍹


Just a cozy picture, because we are so enjoying this weather, our beautiful view and cozy cozy guests! 🌞🌳


It's almost summer vacation time! Will you also come and play with the kids in the playground at Knus, walk on the barefoot path or take a ride on the pedal boat?


- REMEMBER - Thursday, June 29 (tomorrow) Knus will be closed all day due to a large booking. We look forward to seeing you on Friday! Getting curious? Then check our website for all Knus options.


Children can have hours of fun at Knus. For example, there is a fun outdoor playground with maze, barefoot path, sandbox and various playground equipment. Of course we also have a children's menu, so both parents and children can enjoy some goodies in the sunshine!


Cozy evenings🌛 At Knus you can book both daytime and evening arrangements at one of our many terraces. Think of a cozy drink, barbecue, walking dinner or party night. Super fun for birthdays and anniversaries, but also for company drinks and company parties. Fun to start or end the working year with your colleagues! For more information:


Cheers to all the dads! Chris and Geerten are all over it 🍻


This afternoon, love will be properly celebrated again here at Knus! Starting at 2 p.m., we are completely private.


NEW AT COZY! Starting today, we have new specialty beer in the bottle! The beers from Stadshaven Brewery are cold and you can come taste them! 🍺🍻 What will be your favorite?


Our new terrace the 'Bosrand' is the place for your company outing! Have a nice drink together and maybe even an old-fashioned game of XXL Jenga, anything goes! Ask about the possibilities via our contact form at


Did you know that you can recently make reservations at Knus from 8 adults and up? For example, from 12:00 to 14:00 you can enjoy delicious Lunchplanken with different sandwiches, fresh soup and the well-known sandwich (vegetable) croquette. The lunch is all-in and therefore includes drinks. Reservations can be made via


Pentecost weekend 🌞 With Whitsun Knus is open for a delicious bakkie, beer, bitterball or sandwich. Of course you can also compose your own picnic and enjoy all the goodies on the water in the pedal boat or on a picnic blanket in Delftse Hout. Will you go for the Wrap Norwegian Salmon with a soda and a bowl of fresh fruit or will you go for a Sandwich Snug with an IPA beer and a piece of apple pie? The picnic must be reserved at least 48 hours in advance at

Knus, Delftse Hout️ 12 maanden geleden

On Ascension Day (i.e. tomorrow), Knus will be open as usual from 10:00 to 17:30. Please note that due to the Golden Ten Loop, P1 will be closed between certain times (see 3rd image). Knus will remain accessible and the Knus team will be ready for another cozy day! 🌞

Knus, Delftse Hout️ 12 maanden geleden

❤️ Happy Mother's Day dear moms ❤️

Knus, Delftse Hout️ 12 maanden geleden

Poleskiing with your department, XXL old Dutch games with the whole team or rather challenge the director for a round of poleskiing on water? It is all possible at Knus! All activities can only be booked in combination with one of our packages. Take a look at our website for the possibilities: #delftsehout #knusdelft #activities #games #knus

Knus, Delftse Hout️ 12 maanden geleden

Weather or no weather; today the Netherlands celebrates Liberation Day! At Knus the cake is ready and the beer cold, so ready to toast!

Knus, Delftse Hout️ 12 maanden geleden

No Mother's Day gift yet? Stop searching! Treat your mom to a cozy Mother's Day coffee hour ❤️ Bookable at

Knus, Delftse Hout️ 12 maanden geleden

These two tops are still looking for fun, cozy and most importantly cozy colleagues to serve and behind the bar! As a waiter and bar employee you help prepare, make and serve drinks. You enjoy working at weddings, get-togethers and company parties, but also enjoy welcoming passers-by to Knus. You are 18 years or older, communicatively strong and have a service-oriented attitude. Are you the Knus colleague we are looking for? Then send us a message or email us at


Closed on King's Day. What could be better than sitting on the terrace with a cold beer? Nothing anyway! So that's exactly what the staff at Knus will be doing tomorrow to toast the King! So Knus will be closed on King's Day. Have fun all with the rugs, orange tompoucs and cheers! 🇱🇺


Do you have something to celebrate or just feel like a cozy barbecue? At Knus we offer the Knusse Grill package. From 20 people you can enjoy a carefree all-in Knusse Grill including an extensive buffet full of garnishes, salads, fresh fries and various sauces. On our large Knusse Grill we prepare fish and meat from the butcher and of course we take into account vegetarians and other dietary requirements. Take a look here for more information :


Sunday, May 14, is Mother's Day! Whether your mother has only been caring for you for 3 months or for 40 years; a good time to put her in the extra spotlight. ❤️ You can do that at Knus with a special Mother's Day Coffee Hour from 10:30 to 11:30 Now bookable from 2 adults or more. More information or book right away? Go to


Since the beginning of this month, the new Knusse menu is on the table! Will you go for a nice sandwich or do you prefer a soup? There is also plenty to choose from for the kids!

Cozy reviews via Tripavisor
April 13, 2022

A celebration of a sister's 40th wedding anniversary . A cozy grill . Very tasty and also cozy with about 40 people . My compliments . To be repeated .

Feb. 15, 2022

I sat at knus today after my walk through deft wood,it is at knus supper cozy to sit a lovely atmosphere !

Feb. 10, 2022

Today I sat on the terrace with my family at knus, I liked this very much,the view was very nice and the service was very nice. definitely come here more often really a recommendation!

December 17, 2021

Very cozy homey atmosphere. It is a nice restaurant for young and old. They have a children's playground several terraces and inside you can also sit very cozy. Very friendly staff and fast service

Oct. 30, 2021

When I used to come here I already thought it was a top place, but with the renovation and the new menu I really like coming here! Besides the fact that the food was on the table quickly, tasted delicious and was certainly a complete meal, the staff was also very nice and there was a very friendly and cozy atmosphere. Even though the weather was bad, I enjoyed sitting there by a heater and enjoying the view warm and 'cozy'. Definitely recommended!

Aug. 14, 2021

Married last Thursday at Knus. Everything to perfection and the wedding ceremony was great. The barbecue buffet was well put together and delicious! We recommend knus to everyone as a location to get married in delft.

Aug. 8, 2021

Super cozy place with fast and good service. Friendly staff and good lunch menu. Highly recommended!!!

July 10, 2021

Great drinks in wonderful location. Friendly staff. Super afternoon. Too bad they close at 17.00

Delft Sum
June 11, 2021

It is already lovely when the sun is shining but if you then also sit somewhere lovely with friendly staff , cozy new owner and also feel pampered then they have done well. Thanks it was a lovely afternoon

Beautiful terrace by the water, you feel like you are abroad. Have a delicious lunch. Salad salmon was generously topped and deliciously fresh with spelt bread. New extensive menu and friendly service. Definitely come back!

June 1, 2021

Had a lovely lunch today with a friend at Knus. And cozy it was! Enjoyed tasting and 12-hours. Cozy owner and friendly staff. Owner's service was a bit slow though ( just kidding 😉 ) Delicious afternoon with all flavors of non-alcoholic beer🍻. Nice place...More

June 1, 2021

For great food, the nicest staff, a beautiful location and options for paddle boarding and supping you have to be at cozy. For lunch or drinks I can't think of a better place in delft. Especially highly recommend their "drinks board"!

paulin forest
May 30, 2021

Great afternoon ! Excellent picnic basket ; completely customizable. Wraps are a must! Nice and friendly staff!

May 30, 2021

For cold and nice weather, they have thought about everything! Lovely covered terrace with heaters and blankets! And for warm weather nice sun and a cold beer! For the children there is room to play! And the staff very friendly and enthausiast! I...More

March 27, 2021

A nice place where they organize many fun activities for children. After a lovely walk they also have a lot of tasty things to get your strength back. You can then have a nice chat with a friend, for example, while the kids are on the...More

March 20, 2021

This remains one of the nicest and finest places in Delft. Delicious coffee and cake and if we take a walk in the afternoon a nice beer or sandwich. Staff is always enthusiastic. Also super kid friendly with plenty of entertainment (maze, playground, pedal boats etc). Stay so...More

March 5, 2021

Always great to have a drink inside or on the terrace. Lots to do for the kids, sandbox, maze and all games and entertainment inside. Both for the parents and the kids enough delicacies on the menu. Poffertjes are a favorite with the kids. Also always...More

Feb. 19, 2021

While walking in Delft Wood, a visit to Knus cannot be missed. Especially at this time it is always enjoying the new cakes from Knus or a delicious Pannini at lunch. I now come back for it weekly and can't...More

Feb. 18, 2021

Delicious cake and coffee and a wonderful place for all of us to get together! Advantage here is that no matter what time of the year, always cozy and enjoy yourself at Knus.

Feb. 17, 2021

Super cozy place to have a drink. The location is lovely by the water and the staff is very friendly. Definitely highly recommended!

Feb. 17, 2021

I often go for a walk around the Delft wood and get a cup of coffee and occasionally something tasty to go with it. Nowadays they have a lot of choice in very tasty cakes, cookies and paninis! I can't wait for Knus to open normally again...More

Tobias J
Feb. 17, 2021

Delicious freshly baked apple pie. Service is helpful and friendly. Hopefully Knus may reopen normally soon so we can have a white beer on the terrace again.

Feb. 16, 2021

Been to the bar on ice last week! Super cozy and very friendly service! Thanks!

Feb. 16, 2021

Knus knows how to make everything a party. In the summer you can rent nice boats to go out on the lake and in the winter they are ready for you with homemade mulled wine and cake. When you go to Knus you really have the...More

Feb. 15, 2021

Enjoyed a hot chocolate with Piece of Cake cake in a beautiful location. Cozy service who, completely corona-proof, still made it a party.

Feb. 15, 2021

Last summer with friends had some beers at Knus, super location in the middle of the green and wide choice in assortment! Location also lends itself perfectly for parties etc!

Feb. 10, 2021

What cozy people at the door. The cookies are really delicious and worth a try, with a good coffee on top 😉

Feb. 9, 2021

Got hot chocolate milk and a delicious chocolate cake, friendly service at a cozy restaurant in a beautiful location. Unfortunately due to corona we could not sit inside for a nice lunch. We will definitely come back again at the time when we can.

Feb. 6, 2021

For now the take away is toppie but you still prefer to sit here on the terrace with a delicious beer and snack. Always nice service and also for parties a top location!

Feb. 4, 2021

Happy take away at Knus, delicious coffee, cake, gluhwein, chocolate milk with whipped cream and many more goodies. Delicious for after a brisk bike ride. I'm looking forward to the summer because you can go sup or ride an electric moped nice and easy and fast the...More

Feb. 4, 2021

As of old, we enjoyed a drink and a bite at knus. Unfortunately outside because of corona, but that should not spoil the fun. Delicious gluhwijn with several surprisingly delicious cookies and cakes. Really delicious!

Feb. 3, 2021

Now that the catering business is closed, cozy is doing a nice job! Delicious cakes, good coffee and hot chocolate with whipped cream.

Sept. 6, 2020

Cozy is not what it used to be. What a mess. Behind the bar it is full of empty bottles and piled up dirty dishes. The staff is a bit gun-shy or sometimes absent. The warm welcome of yesteryear is no longer there. Decayed glory. Too bad!More

December 3, 2019

For more than 20 years (when the old building (the Boathouse) was still there) I came here for an hour every Sunday in the early afternoon. Since last season, they started hosting parties on Sunday afternoons as well. The last time...More

August 24, 2019

Knus is in a nice place but really welcoming and cozy Knus is not anymore. Staff not really enthusiastic. On the menu are few special things and the bitterballen were much too hard. Too bad.

June 19, 2019

Celebrated a great party at Knus on June 16. It was perfect, everything is possible, just say what you have in mind and they take care of it. Prices very reasonable, If you have something to celebrate, feel free to chat, I am sure you will be just as...More

June 13, 2019

For families with small children definitely recommended but otherwise???? It often seems like you are not welcome at all, tables and chairs not ready, odd times closed. Impersonal tent.

April 8, 2019

We had walked past this beautiful location here a few times. This time we decided to sit on the terrace for a snack and a drink. That was not easy. Rarely experienced such horsy staff. Refreshments were OK. Most of the ladies toilets were...More

January 18, 2019

Knus is a very cozy restaurant in a super location in the Delft wood and located by the water, the staff is of the cozy type and the food good and reasonably priced.

Oct. 8, 2018

Celebrated a birthday with the grill buffet. Was really super. Very friendly and helpful staff and really good food. Highly recommended!!!

Sept. 3, 2018

That was really cozy so by the water! Service on the terrace during the reception drink. Very convenient when not everyone is standing in front of the bar. Dinner, buffet. Was also delicious. Supplies are not replenished very quickly. Cozy staff.

Aug. 2, 2018

Have been coming here for years, suddenly we notice that the service is deteriorating. It was standing like a house the only thing that remains now is the dirty crockery or tables and the staff standing there chatting while looking at it. When ordering they...More

June 3, 2017

Location is a beautiful natural area and there is a cozy atmosphere. That's what they mean by cozy. Both inside and outside there is a view of the lake. Coffee was delicious and definitely recommended to friends relaxed on terrace something useful. Definitely come...More

April 27, 2017

Knus is located in the middle of the Delft Wood. The sight is very beautiful by the water. We live near it but had never been there. On Sunday mornings the crowd is fantastically diverse. Cyclists, walkers, runners, grandpas, grandmas, kids and some hipster dads. Inside it is cozy...More

Feb. 19, 2017

Cozy does make a good restaurant for people with children and/or dogs. But if you do not want to be among this kind of people you better not go here although the meals are just fine

Feb. 5, 2017

Used a lunch. This restaurant is cozy (cozy) to its surroundings and built and is also offered as a party center. The lunch I enjoyed there was just adequate despite the limited menu that day. Definitely recommended for lunch or...More

November 2, 2016

Pleasant place. Nice terrace. Attentive service and a menu composed with care. Also nice for children, can have a good time both outside and inside.

Judith V
Aug. 31, 2016

On one side by the playground crowded with small children. The other part of the terrace quieter with mostly adults. Access for dogs who even get a dog cookie! Friendly and smooth service.

Gwendolyn K
Aug. 28, 2016

Great playground, cheap and tasty, nice spacious patio and good combine with a walk. Cozy has limo for the kids, and everything for a quiet afternoon by the water.

This new website of Knus went live on 23-3-2021. As of that date, we will keep the cozy guestbook. Who knows, maybe your experience will soon be on this page.
Chris and Geerten
Owners of Knus, going live website 23-03-2021

Ha Geerten and Chris!

We want to thank you MANY

thanks for organizing the great party we had on Saturday had!

We have received many compliments you guys for the great service and location.

The girls worked super hard and that has not gone unnoticed!

The party was exactly as we had hoped for!

We look back with great pleasure to this beautiful evening!

Ella and Matthijs
March 2022
Hi Geerten and Kris, What a wonderful dinner you provided for us! All our family members enjoyed!
March 2022
Good afternoon Geerten, We would like to thank you for the nice condolence at your place Friday. It went very smoothly and it was nice to do it with you in my mother's memory. This is how the people we invited also experienced it. Thank you so much for the good time and how you arranged it!
March 2022
Dear Geerten and Chris Yes it was a fine birthday at Knus. Everyone was full of praise for the location and the food and drinks. So thank you for that and also for the hour with Ipse. They enjoyed themselves as you can see in this picture. Greetings from Nicolette
October 2021
Hi Geerten and Chris The party was very successful. I will send some more pictures. Marion
October 2021
Dear Geert & Chris, It was again a real pleasure to have our party at your place. Everything was, as always, nicely arranged and it all went smoothly. The food was delicious and the drinks were well taken care of. Even the one colleague with a gluten intolerance was enthusiastic again. After the long corona time it was pleasant, were the most reaction I heard. We would love to come back to you again next time. Greetings back and hopefully I may organize something again soon. Els
September 2021
Dear Geerten and Chris Last Sunday we celebrated my son's birthday with you. I just wanted to let you know that we are really super satisfied with how it was taken care of! The warm reception (even though we were way too early), the flexibility, the friendliness and the delicious food and drinks. Also the help with the cake, the offer to keep it refrigerated and the very friendly staff; all top! Hope you pass this on to the team, we really thought it was perfect
March 2022
Hi Geerten and Chris The Walking Dinner for my 85th birthday was perfectly executed by you guys to perfection! Esther
February 2022
Dear Geerten & kris, Hello Geerten, It was a fantastic afternoon. Our (now former colleague) enjoyed it immensely. And also the attendees were happy to have such a pleasant afternoon again. Greetings from Diana
March 2022
Good morning Geerten and Chris, Our feeling afterwards is hugely positive!!! We liked the atmosphere of the room, the service, lunch and location perfectly! So cozy points of improvement we do not have 😉 We don't have this type of meeting very often, but when the time comes again you will definitely see us back! Thanks for everything.
August 2021
Hi Geerten, Chris, Once again we had a great time. Gr Yvonne
September 2021
Dear Geerten and Chris, We had an excellent day. It was well and satisfactorily arranged. Thank you. Kind regards, Nora,
September 2021
Good afternoon! We really enjoyed the party at Knus last Thursday. We liked it very much ourselves and also had compliments from many guests for the beautiful party. You guys made a great contribution to that, so herewith I just pass those compliments on 😉 With warm regards, Caroline
August 2021
It was a top day at a top location, too bad about the weather. In terms of care absolutely top, food top. We would definitely recommend you to other teams within Philadelphia. With kind regards, Renate
October 2021
Dear Geerten and Kris, We had a wonderful day. The food was delicious and the beers great With cozy greetings, Willemijn,
October 2021